We have a pet orangutan she wanders the house and speaks to us in Sign. One evening the orangutan tells us that she is pregnant and she dives into the swimming pool. We watch her for a bit waiting for something to happen. The whole thing makes us very nervous. After a while the orangutan gets back out of the water and sits down panting heavily. After a few moments she delivers the brain then the baby orangutan. She feeds the brain through the baby s ear and then proceeds to nurse....
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TODAY WAS A DAMN FUN DAY. DD i havent laughed this much since orientation day i think. O O it all started with recess. RECESS WAS SUPER SUPER SPASTIC. DD we meaning rachel pamela samantha jodie nicole and cassie laughed like crazy. pamela and jodie kept trying to push rachel off the bench. and since i was sitting beside rachel they were pushing me as well. rachel was screaming and swearing like crazy. constipation. LOLLLLLLLLLL. DD samantha also went crazy and said 'po...
[ continue - orang utan ] - Keep up the great blogging!
I just wanted to say how pleased I am with the work that everyone is doing. The students are doing some fantastic blogging so well done! Also I love the image of the male orang utan that Mr Vonow has put on to the site....
[ continue - orang utan ] - Borneo Sandakan Wildlife Search
Sandakan is situated on the East Coast of Sabah Malaysian Borneo. On its West is the interior mountain range and on the East is the Sulu Sea. Sandakan is definitely a dream location for travelers in...
[ continue - orang utan ] - Satwa Satwa Yang Hampir Punah
Apakah kalian tahu apa saja sih satwa satwa yang kini tengah diambang kepunahan? Jujur saja saya juga ga begitu hapal nama namanya. Maka dari itu saya coba angkat dalam tulisan ini agar bisa menambah pengetahuan kita semua mari kita cek satu persatu nama satwa tersebut. Macan Tutul Panthera pardus orientalis Lokasi Rusia China dll Prediksi populasi saat ini 40 ekor Badak Lokasi Afrika Asia Tenggara Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca Lokasi Cina Populasi Sekitar 1600 ekor...
[ continue - orang utan ] - Orang Utan Punah tahun 2015
orang utan saat ini merupakan satwa langka yang rentan punah karena manusia terus menerus merusak habitat mereka dan seringkali pula menjual bayi bayi mereka secara ilegal untuk dijadikan satwa peliharaan Pusat Perlindungan orang utan COP mencatat pada 2004 populasi orangutan sebanyak 54. 567 ekor maka dengan laju kepunahan sebesar sembilan persen per tahun atau 5. 325 ekor setiap tahun saat ini jumlahnya diperkirakan hanya 37. 275 ekor. Dan diperkirakan orang utan akan benar benar akan pun...
[ continue - orang utan ] - An Interview with Orang Utan Comics 39 Ian Sharman
CIN What sets orang utan apart from other independent publishing houses? IS That sa good question. I could go for the obvious We re British. That would probably be a bit of an easy answer but we do have a uniquely British flavour...
[ continue - orang utan ] - Badak Sumatra
Salah satu hewan yang menjadi concern team cegah satwa punah adalah Badak Sumatra. Badak ini adalah badak bercula dua. Dibandingkan dengan badak jawa badak Sumatra jauh lebih kecil. Memang spesies ini adalah spesies yang terkecil daintara spesies badak. Badak Sumatra diperkirakan hanya tinggal 300 ekor saja. Program pelestarian badak Sumatra ini dilakukan oleh WWF Indonesia bersama sama dengan International Rhino Foundation Yayasan Badak Internasional . Bila anda concern untuk mencegah satw...
[ continue - orang utan ] - Power Selling On Ebay Make Money Power Selling On Ebay
Today Post power selling on ebay is fast become a very lucritive business to have online. Everyone at least knows someone who has sold an item on ebay at some point in time. But power sellers on ebay are a rare breed that earn a full time income by selling lots of individual items of ebay for big profits and big rewards. It doesn t take much effort as a hobby to sell your items on ebay but alot of people fall in love with the fact that you can work from the comfort of your own home and make...
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