Saturday, May 17, 2008

More caricatures

This time I kinda equated a person's face with an animal like rat bull and orangutan to helk visualize the shapes of the head and features. This doesn't mean I try to make them look like that animal it' just a way to analyze the...
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    TODAY WAS A DAMN FUN DAY. DD i havent laughed this much since orientation day i think. O O it all started with recess. RECESS WAS SUPER SUPER SPASTIC. DD we meaning rachel pamela samantha jodie nicole and cassie laughed like crazy. pamela and jodie kept trying to push rachel off the bench. and since i was sitting beside rachel they were pushing me as well. rachel was screaming and swearing like crazy. constipation. LOLLLLLLLLLL. DD samantha also went crazy and said 'po...
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