Thursday, May 15, 2008

Navaratri Pujan Vidhi

Then perform Atma Puja for self purification. This is done by the chanting of the following mantras OM APAVITRAH PAVITRO VASARVAVASTHAM GATOAPI VA YAH SMRAIT PUNDARIKA AKSHAM SAVAHYABHYANTARAH SHUCHIH. Explanation Whoever contemplates upon Vishnu gets automatically purified both mentally and physically. This is followed by Achman drinking of holy water after accepting it in the palm of the hand which helps to wash off the sins committed by action thought and speech. The mantra...
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Another new posts below:

  1. Stress level EXTREME
    Okok calm down Marliyana You're not alone Right? No this is not about secreteriat thingy. I know Tsu is with me. Ever so sweet Tsu. And Liyana too. ever ready to help. gulps Bisikan hatiku Walaupun jari tak dituding pada diri ini salah tetap salah dan diri ini tetap rasa dipersalahkan. Terasa diri ini telah gagal menjalankan tugas yang diberi dan tanggungjawab yang diamanahkan. Segala apa yang diaturkan akhirnya punah ranah. Namun apakan daya ia telah berlaku dan yang sudah itu...
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  2. Botswana Ladies of Jazz Concert
    This is an interesting post Respected South African musician and academic Sello Galane is expected to be amongst the audience at punah and Nono s show at the Jazz Brew Pub and Garden in Mochudi this weekend. Read the rest of this entry....
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    tan anadrtya yo 'vidvan arthan arabhate svayam tasya vyabhicaranty artha arabdhas ca punah punah SYNONYMS tan those anadrtya neglecting yah anyone who avidvan rascal arthan schemes arabhate begins svayam personally tasya his vyabhicaranti do not become successful arthah purposes...
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  4. amciam nie
    Amaciam nih sekarang? Geram tahu dengan perasaanmu yang sambil lewa. Terpaksa aku berdiam diri meyimpan geram yang membara panas disudut hatiku Dengan tepat masa berdetik menunjukkan masuknya waktu solat zohor kedegaran telefon bimbit berjenama nokiaku berdering kencang. Di hujung talilan telefon terdengar suara yang tidak akan ku lupa. Suara yang amat sinis lagi mengejutkan. REN tepon! haha! Hey hey whutsuup2 blogging again biaser la kan kalau melayu saye dah mula CHIM cHIM maknenye aku...
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  5. Jauh
    salam n hello there. its already wednesday in just a few more days hols will come to an end i'll be goin back to skewl again. BORING sshhhh!!! ur supposed to love skewl la yana. aiya! neways b4 class start let me share wif u guys one of my fave songs currently being 1 on my playlist. ngeeee. enjoy! KUBERMAIN DENGAN MINIT MENUNGGU FANTASI KAPMU MENCARI SUARA BISU BILA BULAN HAMPIRKU TAPI KU BIMBANG SEMUA HILANGNYA DARI MATA AKAN KUCARI KEMANA MANIFESTO KU punah...
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  6. deforestation in Indonesia
    Introduction Indonesia is a rich country. It has many natural resources such as natural gas timber copper. Besides it also has botanical and zoological diversity which spread in almost tropical forests in all parts of Indonesia. The total of tropical forest in Indonesia is about 10 of total amount of tropical forests in the world. 1 Nevertheless there are significantly large areas of forest that are being lost year by year. In Sumatra million of hectares of forest have been cleared...
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  7. I love animal
    Hi this post is just support post for my friend who joined some local website contest about animal and environment in his country. This contest dedicated to some wild animal such as tiger horse bird who rarely and extinct lately. cegah satwa punah is the keyword for this competition so if you want to find some useful content about indonesian wild animal just spend your time to his blog at cegahsatwapunah it tells some story and description about rare animals and almost extinct...
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  8. Juz for fun..
    I ve juz read a book titled Macarin Anjing .. Sounds weird huh?! First I opened the book I was surprised bcoz of the diction.. The writer used kinda abusive word for joking.. Some looked funny.. But some of them was really rude for teenage literature.. Juz read some of those n think it urself.. Ha ha dan kalo kita menyesuaikan hidup kita sekarang ini kayak Teori Evolusi Charles Darwin pelan pelan semua cewek bertampang alhamdulillah sampe tampang idup aja udah syukur bakal ter...
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